Protocol Management

Protocol Management in Native Documents!

Collaboration, search, versioning and auditing

Entering information in web forms is fine when dealing with small amounts of unformatted data. But when needing the supply pages and pages of formatted information, wouldn't you rather just use a Word document? Built on a sophisticated document management framework, this allows for protocols to be submitted in Word and fully tracked with revision history.

Aztech takes protocol/document management even further by, in some cases, allowing information to be extracted from the Word document and saved so it can be viewed and manipulated from web forms!

Submit in Word

  • Create Protocols in Word
  • Drag-and-drop submission
  • Keep data in Word, or extract to web forms

Create Native Documents

  • Use web UI to collect data
  • Publish to create Word documents

Google-Like Search-Ability

All content is completely searchable. Even searching inside Microsoft Word documents. Productivity and Efficiency is gained by the ability to quickly and easily search the entire information system with simple keywords.

Automatic Revision and Checkout Management

Insures compliance and accountability by automatically logging document changes and access. Provides the ability to retrieve and compare previous revisions and see when the document was modified and by whom.

Document Drag and Drop Simplicity

Simple to use drag and drop interface aids in organization and reduces time and effort needed to manage your documents.

Enterprise-level power for ANY size organization

Aztech software is built upon an enterprise-grade document and content management infrastructure called Sensenet. Why does this matter? It matters because this allows Aztech to efficiently use, store and track native documents, including Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint and even image and plain text files. All files can be searched and versioned for auditing and compliance.

Click to Learn More About Sensenet